NA Online Meetings

Press GO to launch a meeting. Press Show PW to see password.
Broken links or passwords will be removed.
Using this Site
GO🔒 = Quick Access Link
GO with a Lock Icon should take you straight to the meeting without entering the password. These links: 1) include an encrypted password or 2) have been verified to require no password.
See More Information
To see More Information for a meeting, Click on the Row of any meeting that has a Plus Sign + on its left side (don't click the links in the row). Depending on the type of device you are using, different amounts of information are initially hidden to keep the listings as compact as possible.
This site does not verify meeting attendance
Please do not contact us about this. We are unable to help. Try searching for "att" for Attendance, "ver" for Verification, "sli" for Slip, "car" for Card, etc. and click the listings that come up to see their Notes.
Adding a Meeting
To add a meeting to this list, scroll to the bottom of the page, read How to Add a Meeting and then click the Add Meeting button.
Requesting Edits or Removal of a Meeting
Use the Email Edits link, and enter the specific changes requested after the REQUESTED EDITS text. (On phones and some other devices, you may need to click the row with the meeting listing to be able to see Email Edits.)
Looking for Passwords or Reporting Problems
If you are looking for a meeting's Password. Click Show PW to see that meeting's Password. Please do not contact us asking for Passwords. We don't have any more information than is shown.
If a Password or Meeting ID is incorrect, please use the Email Edits link, and type "Bad Password" or "Bad Meeting ID" after the REQUESTED EDITS text. (On phones and some other devices, you may need to click the row meeting listing to be able to see Email Edits.)
Tips for Finding Meetings
Use Sorting to Filter Meetings
By Day, AM/PM, Time Zone, Platform or Language:
Use the [Day (All)], [am/pm], [Time Zone], [Platform], and/or [Language] dropdown menus to refine the meetings shown to more specifically fit your needs.
Example: To see only Monday morning meetings in the Pacific time zone, select Day > Monday and am/pm > am and Time Zone > Pacific.
Use Search to Find Specific Meetings
By Topic:
Enter your search topic in the search bar to start searching. Search results show all meetings which include the search term anywhere in their listing. In most cases you won't need to press enter to start the search, the system will begin filtering the list as soon as you start typing. Some examples:
(Note: examples are shown with shortened search terms. In many cases it is unnecessary to enter the entire word to get a sufficiently-filtered list.)
wom - will bring up all Women's meetings
men - will bring up all Men's meetings
lgb - will bring up all LGBTQ+ meetings
youn - will bring up all listing which include "young"
By Location:
Enter your search location in the search bar to start searching. Search results show all meetings which include the search term anywhere in their listing. In most cases you won't need to press enter to start the search, the system will begin filtering the list as soon as you start typing.
When searching for locations, be sure to search for both the abbreviated location name, and the full location name. Many listings use one or the other, but not both. (e.g. Search for "vir" and then "WV" to find all meetings in West Virginia. Each search will have to be done separately.)
If the results of your search are too long, use one or more of the Sorting options to further refine your list.
How to Add a Meeting (READ)
IMPORTANT: The functionality of this list depends on everyone using the same standards to enter information. Please read the instructions below.
• Keep information short. If you have a long listing abbreviate, or omit words such as "of NA", "Group", "Meeting", etc. (these take space without adding much value) You can put more information in Notes.
• If using slashes "/" or dashes "-" to separate words, include a space on one or both sides of the separator. Otherwise your/slash-or-dash/creates/one/long/word.
• If meeting name includes acronyms, leave out the periods (almost no one enters periods in search)
• Except for acronyms, DON'T USE ALL CAPS... It takes more space
• If it is a Zoom meeting with a password, copy and paste the link from Zoom with the encrypted password to make it easier for guests to attend. A lock🔒 icon will be shown with your link.
A Zoom link with a password looks like:
• If it is a Zoom meeting with no password, copy and paste the link from Zoom and a lock 🔒 icon will be shown with your link.
A Zoom link with no password looks like:
• If it is Not a Zoom meeting, copy and past the link from the platform you are using
• If you don't enter a link, the system will assume it is a Zoom meeting and attempt to create a link using the Meeting ID.
JUST THE ID. NO SPACES. NO DASHES. NOT THE LINK. This list does all the work of creating the web and phone link, but it needs to be formatted correctly to work. Your meeting won't be accessible.
(e.g. City, State, Country - City, Country - NA Area, City, State)
NA does not endorse or promote the use of any application or software and is not affiliated with any other organizations. This site is a directory of NA meetings held using a range of unaffiliated conferencing applications.
All information on this page is provided by other parties. Use of this site, its lists, or any application or software is at your own discretion and risk. This site is volunteer run. No liability for its use or the accuracy of the information provided is assumed or implied.